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Seeking the Kingdom p.3

“Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty.” – Psalm‬ ‭91:1

The Word says perfect love casts out fear. Not any kind of love will do, it’s a perfect love that releases us from the grip of fear. The time to draw near to God is now. Seek Him while He can be found and call on Him while He is near. The presence of God is His perfect love poured out into our hearts, leading us into holistic rest. It’s where we experience His supernatural peace and protection.

The Lord’s Kingdom releases our healing. But in a war-torn world it is clear that there is a battle waging between two kingdoms: the kingdom of light and the kingdom of darkness. There is a constant battle for our freedom and unity in Christ. The evil one seeks to devour and divide. Jesus came to heal and to unify. As sons and daughters of the Kingdom, Jesus gives us access to His heart’s desire for holy communion. The unity between the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit is sustained in perfect communion.

“Communion means a living unity that includes differentiation and relationship. In the unity– or better, in loving communion– of the triune God there is difference without division, self-giving without self-loss, and eternal life in ceaseless harmony and peace.” – Daniel Migliore

Jesus desires to build up a kingdom of people who walk in the light, move in step with Him by His Spirit to be a blessing rather than a stumbling block. Reconciliation and restoration is at the center of the Gospel. The Kingdom of God holds the remedy of strife and division. Jesus is the destroyer of all barriers and has shattered the dividing walls of hostility.

The same Spirit that rose Jesus from the grave is the same Spirit that unifies us in life and peace. His Kingdom is the movement of the triune God that lives and breathes inside of us to restore our love for one another. Allow the love of God to breakthrough into the cold, fearful, and stony places of your heart. The Spirit of the Lord takes us back to a love that always protects, a love that endures and chooses to trust. It’s the kind of love that builds faith, thinks and believes for the best. The Father’s love sustains us and beckons us to remain in the delight of His Presence, where we belong.

Don’t allow fear to cripple your identity. Gain a love for God that compels you to walk supernaturally. We have the tendency to fear the unknown but Jesus calls us to walk by faith unto the unknown in order for His love to step into our weaknesses and disclose the power of His perfect love that transforms us. Like the Apostle Peter, whose love for Jesus accelerated his faith by adventurously stepping out of the boat upon the water, against stormy winds, and in the dark to draw nearer to Him; we too are to have our faith sustained in perfect love. Our love for God nourishes our faith to love radically. May Jesus continue to perfect the good work He began in us. His presence comes to revive, to strengthen, and to transform us into His image. Discover God’s Kingdom presence. His love casts out fear and takes us from glory to glory.

Prayer: Lord, break the divides. May your Kingdom presence come into my heart that your righteousness, joy, and peace would manifest around me. Allow my love to respond to human brokenness. May your Spirit give me eyes to see what you see. Let your love prevail that fear may continually decrease as You increase in me. May I rest in Your presence so perfect love may sustain my faith as I walk in step with You.

Additional verses: Jn. 4:18; Is. 55:6; Ro. 5:5; Col. 1:13; 1 Pe. 5:8; Matt. 13:38; Eph. 2:14-18; Matt. 14:22-30; Ro. 8:11; Ro. 8:6; 1 Cor. 13; Php. 4:8; Php. 1:6; 2 Cor. 3:18; Ro. 14:17; Jn. 3:30

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