Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come. 2 Cor. 5:17
We are fearfully and wonderfully made. Uniquely fashioned, God demonstrates His divine artistry in both creation and in humanity. The human heart is wired to reach potential of eternal value and as children of God, our ultimate passion is to manifest everlasting life out of all we do.
We are made in the image of God, therefore we carry His holy fingerprints within our very being. God loves the diversity His hands produce. We all have a uniqueness that speaks of the beauty of God’s handiwork. The creator of the heavens, the multitude of stars, and earth is the same God who He is mindful of your identity and condition of your heart. Sin and deception from the evil one have affected our perception of human worth. But our Father delights in you with gladness for what His hands have made.
Jesus calls us by name. Expect to continually discover and rediscover who you are as His child. The power of His will and Word sustains our identity. It is in the Father’s will to rescue us from self-harm and external pressures of division and strife. He sings over you a new song of victory in every one of your trials and triumphs. Praise Him with your heart and mouth, do not withhold your love for Him. For out of the mouths of His children, God establishes strength to overcome in this life. Every tribe, tongue, and nation is fashioned to know a living God that restores holy relationship, purity, and peace.
But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light. 1 Peter 2:9
God is near. No one could ever compete with the depths of the knowledge He has for who you truly are. You are His creation and His Spirit intercedes for you. Let Him renew your identity through and through. Rebellion and sin were originally a foreign concept for humanity. Don’t allow sin and offense to define who you are. Take your rightful place as His beloved. Jesus desires for us to continually discover who we are as children of God. His holiness and love draw out the attributes of redemption through your restored temperament, character, and personality. It’s a renewed life, surrendered to the refining goodness of our God.
He gives a voice to the voiceless. It’s the voice of His Kingdom that declares the promises of God. For where there is fear, God gives boldness, where there is doubt, the Lord is faithful to unfold clarity, where there is division God enables forgiveness. Jesus is the righter of all wrongs because His righteousness heals us with steadfast love and faithfulness. His Spirit manifests power and a sound-mind to be freshly awakened toward new hope. Clothe yourself with the garment of His beauty and renewal. Shake off the dust of yesterday’s failures and excessive worries. Be willing to loosen the chains that bind to empower others to arise to their rightful position as children of the Most High God. Believe and behold, the new has come!
Prayer: Lord, thank You for the life you give. You breathe life into all I do. I declare You are the source of life itself. I now live so others may live in You. May my heart be open to you that I would continually discover who I am as your beloved. Draw me ever closer to You. I am ready and willing to believe in the mighty name of Jesus who makes everything new!
Additional verses: Ps. 139:14; Jn 4:14; Gen. 1:27; Ze. 3:17; Gal. 1:4; Ps. 8:2-3; Ro. 8:26; 2 Ti. 1:7; Is. 52:1-2