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His Faithfulness Recalibrates


“I will sing of the LORD’s great love forever; with my mouth I will make your faithfulness known through all generations. I will declare that your love stands firm forever, that you established your faithfulness in heaven itself.” Ps. 89: 1-2

Jesus calls us by name. He invites us to come to the Well, to take and drink from a place that never runs dry and from a place that doesn’t keep us waiting to be momentarily satisfied. Jesus refreshes with a forever type of satisfaction that nourishes the state of our minds and hearts by way of relationship. He comes into our hearts to bring a calm and an embrace that keeps you wanting more of Him. He heals our identity from within. His peace makes this possible. It’s His peace that transcends human understanding and yet it’s tailor-made to reach you in a time of need. It’s His supernatural peace that quiets the storm, it’s the peace that silences the anxiety, the fears, the doubts, and internal struggles. Jesus recalibrates our faith in the midst of the chaos provoked by strife, arrogance, and false ideologies. In the middle of the disorder and confusion Jesus is calling:

“I, the Lord, have called you in righteousness; I will take hold of your hand. I will keep you and will make you to be a covenant for the people and a light for the Gentiles, to open eyes that are blind, to free captives from prison and to release from the dungeon those who sit in darkness… Every valley shall be raised up, every mountain and hill made low; the rugged places a plain. And the glory of the Lord will be revealed and all of mankind together will see it.” Is.42: 5-7; 40: 4-5.

Come into this simple Gospel and step out of the confines of religious monotony. Jesus is faithful to restore and heal from within. He gives a voice to the voiceless, He brings meaning to nullify the pointless, and generates beauty for ashes. Our Father maintains His love for us and sustains us in His faithfulness. He is with us every second, of every minute, of every day. He’s ready for you. He meets us where we are and delivers His presence where love, joy, and peace are a tangible evidence of His faithfulness. Jesus desires to laugh with us, to enjoy life with us, to walk with us in the ups and downs, to grieve with us and to wipe the tears from our eyes with the comfort and warmth only His presence can give. Jesus reminds us to smile each day. Discover His faithfulness in the simple and in the miraculous. He is the giver of life and the lifter of our heads.

When we are hit by the pain of what sin produces, he doesn’t shun us from His presence but invites us to lay it all at His feet. He clothes our weaknesses and vulnerabilities with His strength. He washes us clean from the shame, from the hatred, the confusion, and the rage. Jesus heals us from the assault of discrimination and marginalization because righteousness and justice are the foundation of His kingdom. Let His faithfulness reign in our weakness.

Jesus fights the battles for us. His kingdom is not made up of mere words but of power. When you rest in Jesus and respond by faith, His power comes by way of relationship and brings revelation for everything that matters in your life. He gives us His Word, He will never harm us but only give us a future and a hope. Allow His Spirit to take over the restlessness and entrust Him with your life. Everything is at His disposal to give you victory over the darkness.

Spend time with your Creator and the true lover of your soul. Let Him be your Overcomer. Pray to desire His Word, take time to discover His Spirit that brings freedom and counsel. Spend time with the your Father, He wants nothing more but to lavish His love on you that together we may be light in a world that desperately longs for a faithfulness that does not abandon, a faithfulness that surpasses the tests and trials of time, a faithfulness that speaks of a love that won’t run out on you, and a faithfulness that steers and equips you to not compromise on the quality of life He offers you to lead by His grace. His Spirit yearns to direct you step-by-step and He is faithful to do it. Our God is not a mere man that he should lie, what He says- He will do! Trust Him with your life.

The Spirit of the Lord orients us to a passionate pursuit of a truth that sets us free. For whoever the Son sets free is free indeed. Don’t’ submit to half and twisted truths, receive the fullness of Christ who is able to break the chains of injustice and bring healing salve to the entirety of your soul. His faithfulness reaps for us a peace that develops a renewed identity and an untainted confidence. By His faithfulness, we may declare His promises with a love that is established in our hearts and anchored in the highest place—at the center of God’s own name. Let us not treat Him as something common. His name is above all names. Jesus is your deliverer, your healer, and our true Promise-keeper! He is faithful to the end. Come and receive from the Well where living waters flow.

Additional verses: Ps. 89: 28; Jn. 7:38; Ps. 89:14; Phi. 4:17; Mk. 4:39; Ps. 36:9; Ps. 3:3; 1 Jn. 3:1; 1 Thess. 5:24; 1 Cor. 4:20; Duet. 31:6; Jer. 29:11; Nu. 23:19; Jn. 8:36; Phi. 2:9

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