“The human spirit is the lamp of the Lord that sheds light on one’s inmost being.”
– Proverbs 20:27
The Lord knows your heart. If you’re anything like me, this could be a scary thought… The Maker of all things who stretched out the heavens and who spread out the earth, and who willingly made all creation possible, knows my motives, my intentions, and my deepest desires. But, at the same time we must take great comfort in knowing that God is fully aware of all of who you are and chooses to pursue you and love you everyday. He is for you and never against you.
In a world filled with turmoil, division, and confusion it’s imperative that we as children of God do not fall prey to the negative influences circling around our everyday lives. It’s easy to rely on one’s own head knowledge, experience, skills, and education to try to make sense of life. Yes, God gave us the ability to rationalize, to critically think, and to make judgments about how to best live. But if we are not careful, even our faith can become a mere product of our culture that increasingly nourishes a slumber spirit, a divisive heart, and a doubting mind toward the things of God. Jesus doesn’t pursue you daily so that you would end up living an aimless and haphazard life alongside Him. He has called you by name so that you may discover who you are as a child of God.
The Word of God says, The purposes of a person’s heart are deep waters and in order to draw them out, one needs the insight from the One who formed them. We live in a day and age where the experience of greater levels of fear, confusion, and uncertainty is the new normal. How are we to navigate the sea of overwhelming emotions and oppressive thoughts in these times? Firstly, the Spirit of the Lord reminds us to be still and to know He is God. Secondly, it’s no longer enough to just believe in the idea of God, it’s time to live, move, and have our being in Jesus Christ. Lastly, let us give Jesus time, soak in His presence long enough to be reenergized and motivated to transform your perspective and identity through His Spirit.
God yearns to see us confident in Him. We can’t rely on our own strength or our mere five senses alone. We are made of body, mind, and spirit and all of it belongs to God. Open your heart wide to invite the presence of God in a new way. Receive a childlike heart to trust in Him rather than on your own understanding. Excessive rationalizing, complex excuses, and unnecessary rituals place God at arm’s length. The differing weights and differing measures you use to bring value to your life are unlike the Lord’s. Let go of your anxious striving and know God is on your side.
On our own we have nothing to offer to God because we are broken-hearted, we are hurting, and in such great need for healing. We can offer Him only one thing and that is our state of brokenness. He will take it and use it to bring about a stronger message of love to shed light upon the weight of His authority to restore you back into renewed health and wholeness. It can be scary to think that God knows the depth of your heart, your brokenness, and your weaknesses but may this truth not distance us from God but motivate us to be brutally honest with Him. Hold authentic conversations with Jesus and do not be satisfied with the mere idea of His love for you but live in the truth of His Word. Receive and accept His love, His discipline, and His favor for your life. All of what God gives is for good, not to harm you but to give you a hope and a future. Abide in Him.
Jesus said: For this purpose I was born and for this purpose I have come into the world—to bear witness to the truth. Everyone who is of the truth listens to my voice. Jesus sends out His Word to heal and to deliver. Soak in His Word and Spirit consistently and continually that you may not fall back into fear of the unknown, but truly accept the fact you have received the Spirit of adoption as sons and daughters by whom we cry, “Abba! Father!” Enter into the unknown, discover who you are as a child of the Most High God as long as it is called today!
Prayer: Lord, take my brokenness and lead me into the unknown parts of my heart that I may experience true transformation. My spirit longs to know you that I may walk in your clarity, love, and confidence as your beloved child. Illuminate this heart of mine that I can come to you honestly and discover who I truly am in your sight. Let me be still in your presence, may I live out your Word, and soak in your presence for in you I live, move, and have my being. Amen.